
We, Zentsu Holdings Inc., are a Japanese trading and investment company, as of today mainly handling import and export of general convenience goods/products for daily life, furniture, building materials etc., and also targeting at its principal investment in new business opportunity for general goods/products and properties with domestic/international partners.
Details of our current business activities as mentioned below.

Our name, Zentsu, is consisted of “zen” for “good” things and “tsu” for “leading”, and then means “leading to something good for people and society”. We have set this meaning of our company name on priority in terms of our corporate philosophy.


“Make daily moment wonderful and lovely”
We have a passion for daily life and spaces where people spend their own time. By importing, exporting and manufacturing attractive, functional and tastefully designed goods and products, we aim to “make daily moment more wonderful and lovely” for people and society. We are committed to do our unceasing efforts for this mission.

Business Activities


Import and export general goods/products

We import and export general convenience goods/products for daily life, furniture, building materials etc.
One of the main goods and products which we are now handling, are those of “GUSTA – CELEBRATE THE DAY”. We have been the sole authorized distributor of GUSTA in Japan under the agreement with Kapimex B.V. in the Netherlands, as of July 2020. Zentsu Online Inc. (https://www.big-advance.site/s/128/1317) takes charge of its e-commerce retail. 


Operation of commercial facility and business space

We operate commercial facilities and business spaces such as office space, property for shops, etc. Solar power system equipped with our own property is also operated for energy procurement optimization and stable supply to our valuable tenants.  

Real estate business

We build, own and operate real estates and properties in Japan, which are mainly for residence. Not only newly built properties but also out-of-date one are being constantly obtained for our growth of property portfolio.


Corporate Name Zentsu Holdings Inc.

2-1-8, Sanno, Otaku, Tokyo, 1430023 Japan (Tokyo hdqrs.)

3-19-2, Chishirodaihigashi, Wakabaku, Chiba, 2640002 Japan (Chiba branch)

1-19-23, Miyahara, Yodogawaku, Osaka, 5320003 Japan (Osaka branch)

Business Activities

・To import/export, design and manufacture general goods/products, etc.
・To operate commercial facilities and business spaces
・Real estate/property business

Established 6 July 2012
Financial Institutions

Mizuho Bank, Mitsui Sumitomo Banking Corporation, Resona Bank, Kiraboshi Bank,  etc.